Dear Daniel,
I’m spending the rest of the year on me and moving forward from all of this. To start, I’m no longer writing about you. I’m changing into the person I want to be. And I think she’s beautiful inside and outside to match.
Tuesday January 26th, 2021. I made it a point to have more structure in my life and follow through with it. I am working on my goals. First comes my health. I have to say it feels really good to have found a few workouts that I enjoy doing. At home yin yoga, walks, Pilates and sometimes I’ll do a dance work out to the pussycat dolls and Ariana Grande. The majority of January was spent following my health plan and checking my results in order to make the right changes. I deserve to feel comfortable in my own body and need to feel healthy. How does health feel to me? Energized, well rested, hydrated and of course pampered. I am making it a priority to get regular massages as part of my health plan. Why? Because it is my health plan and it is okay. I noticed recently that I had a bad habit of justifying myself for taking care of my needs and a lot of it had to do with upbringing, but I am an adult and it’s okay to finally grow up in a way that is gentle and loving.